A Thousand Sunny Days

Wanna be depressed? Do a Google search for how long you knew someone who died too young. For me, the number is a measly 1709 days that I knew Sarah before she died.

It’s been 980 days since she died, which means I am just over a little past the halfway mark where one day, not too long from now, Sarah will have been gone for longer than I knew her.

That seems impossible, but one day it’s going to happen, and I hope that I don’t feel like I do now.

1709 days of love, if you can but believe it. I never knew anyone like Sarah, and I doubt I ever will again.

The sun is shining today, and I guess that’s all I can hope for. More sunny days. A thousand sunny days.

Wishing you all the best today. May the sun shine on you and bring you joy.

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